Wednesday, 26 July 2017

ZI MO and HUA JIN Skills

Another special thing about Zi Mo and Hua Jin is that some armors (above lv 40 ones) will have different colours. Zi Mo have Re and purple colours while Hua Jin tends to be light blue.

Special skills
(note : currently rank 2 and above skill books may not drop from mobs because Runup have set it to be available in mohun for now)

[Zi Mo | Hua Jin]
Hama | Lohan
Increases damage dealt on your enemies of all of your weapon skills and normal combo damage.
Lasts 120 seconds
Cooldown = 5 seconds

Long Shan | Shen Jao
Increase Qi Gong damage like Hama\Lohan. Qi gong use only.
Lasts 120 seconds
Cooldown = 5 seconds

*For the Qi Gong buff skills (Zi Sha, Yi Hua, etc), it does not add any extra damage when using those with normal combo attacks.

*For Tu Na and Tai Chin, it does not add extra heal.

*For Jin Jong and Tia Bu, Shen Jao and Long Shan does not add any effect. The +DEF and duration time is still the same, no changes.

Jao Yan | Jao Yin
Increases you healing rate for some time. Every 10 seconds standing or running, you heal about 10% of your max HP, MP and AP. It adds more healing points to that 10% each 10 seconds. (eg.1000HP, heals 10% while standing = +100HP after 10 seconds and +10HP from Jao Yin/Jao Yan rank 1)

Last 120 seconds
Cooldown = 20 minutes

Bei Min | Si Sin
Increases MP (Bei Min) for every damage suffered.
Increases HP (Si Sin) for every damage suffered.
Approximately every 100 damage you suck a bit of MP or HP, suck more at higher rank.

lasts 120 seconds
cooldown = 5 seconds

Tien Mo | Tai Shan
Increases 20% damage to enemies. (also increases attack speed ?)
NOTE : Cannot use with Ba Huan / Zin Gan at the same time, also cannot use Ba Huan / Zin Gan when the skill is still cooling down.

Last 60 seconds
cooldown = 10 minutes

Ba Huan | Zin Gan
Reduces damage suffered. Not increase DEF.
NOTE : Cannot use with Tien Mo / Tai Shan at the same time, also cannot use Tien Mo / Tai Shan when the skill is still cooling down.

Last 60 seconds
Cooldown = 15 minutes

credit to RightFist from

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